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About me

I am a Web Developer, I am passionate about technologies and digital project. After following an intensive schooling and internship into a company specialised in cybersecurity, I acquired a solid experience in web development, both theoretical and pratical. This experience allowed me to learn the main languages as well as framework and modern tools to create website and apps with high-performance.
Nowadays, I am freelancer and I put my expertise at the service of my clients to make all types of web projects. Whether it is a showcase site, an appointment booking site, or a complete overhaul of an existing platform, I am attentive to understand the needs and to propose adapted solutions. I have my heart set on giving life to my client's ideas and to make their project succeed. Don't hesite to contact me if you want to talk about your needs or if you have any questions. I would be thrilled to collaborate with you and contribute to the success of your digital projects.

Place of residenceAix-en-Provence (13)
Professional social mediaLinkedin logoGithub logo



Integration of responsive websites and mobiles applications that meet W3C standards

JavaScript / TypeScript
VueJS 3 / Nuxt 3

Working environnement

PC display logoOperating system :Windows, Ubuntu
Terminal logoWorkflow : Git, Github, Gitlab,Teams, Jira, NPM
Code slash logoIDE : Visual Studio Code, Pack JetBrains
Translate logoLanguages :Fluent in English
Universal logoSoft skills :Curious, autonomous, team spirit, rigorous

My studies

Title RNCP of level V. Carried out with OpenClassrooms. It aims to prepare us to become a web developer through projects that revolve around learning HTML, CSS and JS.

Carried out with l'Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education at Aix-en-Pce. This master degree aims to prepare us to become English teachers. During two years, I've learnt how to teach thanks to theorical lessons but also with some internships in different schools from my hometown.

Carried out at Maynooth University in Ireland (Co. Kildare). Erasmus + is an exchange program through Europe. It allows us to discover a new culture, a new country, new customs and perfect your knowledge in a language spoken in the country. In my case, I had the opportunity to improve in English and discover the Irish culture during one year.

Carried out ay ALLSH university of Aix-Marseille at Aix-en-Pce. This bachelor degree in which we study English. The areas of study: literature, art, history, geography, actuality, linguistic and translation.

My experiences

  • Creating websites for companies
  • Stack: VueJS, NuxtJS, Bootstrap, TypeScript, CSS3, HTML5, NodeJS

  • Maintenance of the products offered by the company
  • Creation of the company's showcase site
  • Participation in POCS
  • Stack: Nuxt 2/3, Bootstrap, Tailwind, UnoCSS, TypeScript

My projects in freelance

Le cabinet d'osteopathie de la Roche-des-Arnauds


  • Creation of an appointment booking site for osteopath
  • The front is set up with Nuxt 3 and Boostrap 5
  • The back is set up with NodeJS v18 and a MongoDB database
  • Designing a mockup for the front with Figma

Website's features

  • A weekly planner with appointments, disponibility and absences of the practioners;
  • An appointment booking system for patients and personalized for practitioners;
  • A login and account management system for patients and practitioners with right system (eg: admin);
  • Sending automatic emails for various features such as appointment confirmation email...;
  • Forgot password management with a token;
  • Taking into consideration appointments type such as adult, child, pregnant...

My personal projects

Booki logo

Languages used:

Booki Project, OpenClassrooms

OhMyFood logo

Languages used:

OhMyFood Project, OpenClassrooms

Logo Panthère

Languages used:

Agence La Panthère, OpenClassrooms

Logo Kanap

Languages used:
HTML5 / JavaScript

Kanap, OpenClassrooms

Piiquante logo

Languages used:
Node.js / Express.js / MangoDB

Piiquante, OpenClassrooms

Kasa logo

Languages used:
HTML5 / CSS3 / SASS / React

Kasa, OpenClassrooms

Contact me !

Currently looking for a new job, I am interested in :
Web Developer • Front-End Developer

Telephone logo+33615433499
Do you want to meet me ?I am available in Aix-en-Provences and its surroudings

Marine Glawnick @ 2023 - Tous droit réservés